Business Process Engineering

Business Process Engineering is an applied service, which is offered to our customers either separately or in a package of other services within the Enterprise Architecture.

BAfter consultations with the customer, BPE contains a selection of crucial processes, which mostly affect the efficiency of an organisation (key processes). We form the selected processes according to various scenarios and criteria, the output being an optimised process model.
This model is then tested in a test mode/dry run? and consequently implemented throughout the organisation.

In representative cases BPE is a very efficient method with instant benefits. BPE also often develops into a continuous improvement of all related processes and outgrows into a more extensive/comprehensive change in the whole organisation, inclusive the the change of the organisational structure.

The aim is:

  • to achieve partial changes with an important impact on the efficiency of the organisation promptly and effectively

  • to solve the particular unsatisfactory situation of selected processes

Examples of possible assets:

  • presentation of a possibility of achieving an efficient change

  • prompt reaction to changes of the internal or external environment of the organisation

  • partial increase of value of the organisation

  • optimisation of stock or data flow within the organisation

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If you wish any other information, please, contact us.